Optional: printed copies of smile pages for student use
Teach the song to the children using the following actions:
There was an old man named Michael Finnegan: bend over slightly as if using a cane; other hand holding an aching lower back
He had whiskers on his chinnegan: place both hands under chin and wiggle fingers as though they were whiskers
The wind blew them off: fling arms out to sides
But they grew in again: return hands to under chin as
Poor old Michael Finnegan: grasp both hands as praying hands, and slowly sink down to a squatting position
Begin again: jump up with hands overhead
Begin slowly until all students can sing the song with the
actions. Sing each repetition gradually faster.
Sing with the recording.
Draw a visual of the following (or distribute student copies):
Row 1: Four smiley faces
Row 2: Four smiley faces with whiskers
Row 3: Two smiley faces followed by two smiley faces
with whiskers
Row 4: Three sad faces followed by the words BEGIN AGAIN!
As you play the recording, students should tap the smiley face on each beat (half note gets beat) moving from left to right. On each repetition, students should return to the top of the page and begin again. See how well they are able to keep a steady beat as the tempo increases. This is a great first step to reading music from left to right and music staves from top to bottom.
Ask students to discuss the difference between singing the song slow and fast. Which do they prefer? Why?
To reinforce fast and slow, have students sing a train song, such as Engine, Engine Number Nine or I've Been Working on the Railroad. Start the song slowly as if the train were pulling out of the station. Increase the speed as the train goes faster. Decrease the tempo as the train pulls up a hill or comes to a stop at the next station. Experiment with fast and slow.
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