Play pitched and unpitched instruments to enhance melody.
Pitched instruments: bells, Orff instruments
Unpitched instruments: triangle, finger cymbals and tambourines
Before singing this song of thanksgiving, make a list together of things your are thankful for. (family, friends, food, recess, health, weather, etc.). As you listen to the song, stand up when a lyric matches your list.
Verse: Echo-sing each phrase in this slow section of "Thanks." Sing in a gentle, thoughtful style.
On pitched instruments, play F7 chords (F, A, C, E) for the following phrases: Every new November, best that we remember, we ate a heaping plateful, and show that we are grateful.
At the tempo change (moderate gospel style), clap hands as you say thanks four times.
Chorus: Practice the suggested motions. Then, echo-sing and move to each phrase.
Thanks for hands a clappin'! Burst clap four times
Thanks for fingers snappin'! Snap four times on the beat.
Thanks for knees a quakin'! Flap rubber legs. (Pretend you have cymbals on your knees and you try to crash them together on each beat.)
Thanks! Thanks! Thanks! Reach left hand up, then right hand up, then clap
Thanks for birds a flyin'! Flap arms four times.
Thanks for babies cryin'! Hold fists next to eyes and turn wrists four times.
Thanks for bodies shakin'! Shimmy your whole body, especially your Jazz Hands.
Thanks! Thanks! Thanks! Reach left hand up, then right hand up, then clap
I said thank for bodies shakin'! Thanks! Thanks! Thanks! (repeat as above)
Rap: Echo-speak words. After learning these words, select volunteers to rap this section together.
For the final thank-you section, the original lyrics may be used (sister, brother, daddy, mother sunshine, school, teacher) or students can be challenged to create new lyrics. For example, "Thank you for my uncle who takes me to the park."
Sing and move to "Thanks!" with energy and enthusiasm. Highlight the word thanks by playing triangles, finger cymbals and tambourines every time it is sung!
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