Makin' Music Outside the Box!

Step: 1 | Lesson Overview
Makin' Music Outside the Box!
Step: 2 | Welcome Song
Create Your Moves
Step: 3 | Learning Goals
Makin' Music Outside the Box!
Step: 4 | Connection
Thinking Outside of the Box
Step: 5 | Vocabulary
Makin' Music Outside the Box!
Step: 6 | Essential Instruction
Knowing Time Signatures Like a Pro!
Step: 7 | Activity
Time Signature Detective
Step: 8 | Activity
Feel That Cut Time!
Step: 9 | Activity
I Can Move with Complex Meters (5/4)
Step: 10 | SEL Activity
This Is a Safe Space
Step: 11 | Learning Goals Check
Makin' Music Outside the Box!
Step: 12 | Closing Song
Give Me Music!