From a list prepared on poster board, echo the ways to say peace in different languages.
Japanese: heiwa (hay-WAH)
Arabic: salam (sah-LAHM)
Russian: mir (Meer)
Cherokee: dohiyi (doh-hee-YEE)
Hebrew: shalom (shah-LOHM)
Hindu: shanti (shahn-TEE)
Spanish: paz (pahz)
Swahili: amani (ah-MAH-nee)
As you listen to "Ev'rybody Sing Peace," identify the locations for each language on a world map.
Sing the song in unison.
Every time you sing peace in this song, add sign language. Practice the sign language first, then sing and sign "peace" in every language throughout the song.
You can use the sign "PEACE" to convey the idea of "serenity." You place the hands together. Then, you twist the hands once and smoothly bring them apart, down, and toward your sides.
Form a circle. Every time we sing the phrase Everybody join hands in a circle round the world, do the following actions:
Ev'rybody join: pat the rhythm of the words, alternating on each leg
hands in a circle round the: all join hands, leaving them straight down to lightly pulse the rhythm with each other
world: raise hands up slowly
Once the song is rhythmically and melodically correct, the sign language is accurate, and the repeating phrase's motions look good, perform the song at a gathering to promote peace!
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