Halloween object (stuffed animal, doll or plastic skeleton)
Optional: small stuffed animals or individually wrapped candy
Children sit in a circle. "Ghost" (child covered with white sheet) stands in center.
(Child could also be a "detective" with blindfold.)
During song, seated children clap and pass a Halloween "creature" such as a stuffed animal, plastic skeleton or witch doll around the circle to the beat of the music, while ghost waves arms about.
On "12," child who is holding the creature calls "BOO!" with any vocal tone color. All seated children quickly put hands behind their backs, including the child holding the creature.
Ghost removes sheet and gets three chances to guess who is holding the creature. Play the game many times. Child holding the creature becomes new ghost, and old ghost sits in the circle and starts passing the creature for next game.
Additional challenge: All seated children pass creatures (small stuffed animals or individually-wrapped pieces of Halloween candy) around the circle with this pattern: grab-pass-clap-clap. One creature is designated as "it." On "12," the child who is holding "it" calls "BOO!"
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