Awesome Teamwork Singing Sol, La, Do!

Step: 1 | Lesson Overview
Awesome Teamwork Singing Sol, La, Do!
Step: 2 | Welcome Song
We Sing and Move with Teamwork!
Step: 3 | Learning Goals
Awesome Teamwork Singing Sol, La, Do!
Step: 4 | Connection
All the Unique Colors in Chords
Step: 5 | Vocabulary
Awesome Teamwork Singing Sol, La, Do!
Step: 6 | Essential Instruction
Watch Out for the Poison Pattern!
Step: 7 | Essential Instruction
Paint the Wind
Step: 8 | Activity
Pick a Phrase and Let's Play
Step: 9 | Activity
Who Doesn't Love Saturday Night?
Step: 10 | SEL Activity
Teamwork Brings Awesomeness!
Step: 11 | Learning Goals Check
Awesome Teamwork Singing Sol, La, Do!
Step: 12 | Closing Song
Can't Stop Feeling Sol, La, Do